• Who should lead Revive?

    Typically, the facilitator of the program is a ministry leader of the congregation, such as the rector, lead pastor, senior minister or another clergyperson. This is not a requirement, since anyone can lead Revive. We have purposefully used the word minister to signal that the facilitator can be ordained or lay.

    However, our feedback surveys say that Revive has greatest impact in changing culture and equipping spiritual leadership when the facilitator is the senior minister and the participants hold leadership positions within the congregation.

    Our surveys also indicate that the strongest reason why people were willing to participate in Revive was because their ministry leader personally invited them. If you want further evidence of the effectiveness of this model of discipleship you may want to examine Jesus’ call and spiritual formation of his disciples.

    By the way, facilitators do not have to be advanced masters of spiritual direction, but they should be intentional about their own spiritual growth and open to a relational connection with God.

    -Dawn Davis, Revive creator

    The downloadable program materials may be purchased here.

    Pre-printed Participant Guides are available here.